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Chris Eisenberg

Special Education Advocate and Attorney

I have been a member of the State Bar of California for over 20 years. I grew up in New York and obtained my undergraduate degree at Boston University and my Juris Doctorate degree from Georgetown University.  I have practiced corporate law, entertainment law, patent and trademark law, data privacy law, and hospitality law.

My interest in Special Education law came about when my son was diagnosed with Autism at the age of two years old. I spent the next several years as his personal advocate and attorney fighting to make sure that he received the services he needed. This experience made me realize that helping other children with disabilities get the services they needed was the best possible use of my law degree.

I strongly believe in access to justice for all children and offer low-cost and no-cost representation for clients who qualify.

On most weekends, I can be found coaching soccer. I’ve been a youth soccer coach for over a decade and have had the honor of coaching three different all-star teams.

I am a proud member of COPAA.

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My Approach

Just as each IEP must be individualized, each family I represent needs to have individualized representation based on your child’s specific situation and the services your child needs.

My preference is always to get involved as early as possible. It’s my belief that a well written IEP that delivers the services your child needs its worth its weight in gold. That’s why I strongly recommend contacting me well before your child’s next (or first) IEP so we can review the relevant details to come up with the appropriate goals and the services needed to achieve these goals. I believe that the best way to achieve these goals is to treat the IEP team with respect and collegiality. My initial approach is to collaborate with the IEP team and not be adversarial. I can be your pit bull if need be (I am a native New Yorker) but I’d rather be your golden retriever.

If we can’t come to an agreement with the IEP team, I will vigorously represent you and your child, whatever next steps we decide on, whether it’s a resolution hearing, mediation or a straight to a due process hearing. I can also help with Manifestation Determination Reviews, an appeal of the due process hearing or whatever else I can do to help.

Areas of Practice

I meet with the family to create a plan, everything from the evaluations and assessments needed, to present levels of performance to goals, services and placement needed to achieve those goals. My goal is to help you get the IEP you want. And to avoid the frustration of having to spend time and money trying to fix an IEP that doesn’t meet your child’s needs.

A mandatory meeting held with all members of the IEP team to determine your child’s present levels of performance, educational deficits, goals, and the support and services needed to reach these goals.

A voluntary, informal process where the parent and the school district attempt to reach an agreement about the services needed with the help of a mediator. If an agreement is reached, it is binding.

If you do not agree with the school district on what the IEP should contain, and you either waive or are unable to come to an agreement through mediation or a resolution session, the next stop is the due process hearing. The hearing is like a courtroom trial. Both sides can call witnesses, give evidence and make legal arguments.

If you do not agree with the outcome of the due process hearing, you can appeal the decision to state or federal court.

If the IEP team is not following the IEP as written, you can file a compliance complaint with the state department of education

Services provided to children under 3 who are on the spectrum. Studies have shown that an individualized approach that addresses core deficits at a young age can improve long term outcomes.

If your child’s behavior is going to result in a change of placement, an MDR must be held to determine if the behavior was caused by the disability and/or if the behavior was a direct result of the district’s failure to implement the IEP.

News & Blog

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We Are The Parents Of Students With Disabilities And We Need Your Help (3/28/22)

Students with disabilities need your help. There is an amazing group of parents, advocates, and attorneys who battle tirelessly for the rights of students with disabilities (“SWDs”). But it’s challenging […]

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College Blog (2/3/22)

As I help my son work on his college applications, I am reminded of the journey it took to get here. We know something was different about him when he […]

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Distance Learning Strategies for Parents of Children with Disabilities (8/6/20)

As many school districts ready themselves for the second semester of distance learning, parents of children with special needs are justifiably concerned about their children not getting the services they […]

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14041 Hartsook Street
Sherman Oaks, CA  91423