

(818) 905-9591



(818) 905-9591

“As too many parents with children on the spectrum discover, there is precious little help available in difficult and strenuous times. That is why I am wholeheartedly recommending CHRIS EISENBERG as a talented and compassionate lawyer/advocate in dealing with public school districts, I.E.P.s and school support to move an autistic child to a Residential Treatment Center at the school’s expense. (These RTCs can cost as much as $30,000 per month!)

Chris is a deeply compassionate man with the temperament and knowledge to move through a school district’s bureaucracy and endless red tape. He was a miracle worker for our son, who is now, finally, making progress at a boarding school specializing in spectrum disorders.  Without Chris’ advice and effective advocacy, I doubt this ever would have been possible.

Kindness, compassion, knowledge, and skill: he brings these to every phone call and meeting with both the parents and school administrators. If you are thinking, like so many lawyers, they will break the bank, think again. Chris is reasonable and, throughout our dealings, he never watched the clock nor did things to rack up fees.

To have his experience and talented work with families to make his services affordable is a combo you rarely find. Please call him immediately if your situation meets fits this description. You can not go wrong with this miracle of a professional.” – Roma Taylor


“Chris Eisenberg always made us feel as if our time and participation in the process was as important. He treated and resolved our dispute with our school district as if he was fighting for his own special education child. He is adept at navigating and negotiating the complicated divide that often exists between a child’s specific academic and emotional needs and the school district’s willingness to meet those needs. He is an excellent listener and provides insightful and compassionate feedback. We are very grateful for his services and could not recommend him more highly.” – Steve and Kim


“I highly recommend The Law Office of Chris Eisenberg because Chris is an outstanding lawyer. Not only does he understand laws and the system, but he is professional, eloquent, caring, compassionate, highly intelligent, has a good rapport with people. He has a warm personality, is a hard worker, loyal, fair, will fight for you. I could not say enough good things about him. So don’t hesitate to hire him as your lawyer like I did. I would give him ten stars out of ten stars! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️” – Nancy A.


“I personally do not have words to express how much it meant, the help we got from Mr. Eisenberg. He was able to advocate completely for my daughter’s IEP.” – Carmen C.


“We hired Chris Eisenberg to help us with our application for a Limited Conservatorship. He made a very cumbersome and sensitive process for our family run incredibly smooth. I would highly recommend Mr. Eisenberg as a Special Education Attorney.” – Margaret R.